Customerit™ Health Check

A 4 week program designed for businesses looking to review their current growth initiaives and develop a roadmap to connect with future revenue.


We review key areas of your business and provide a roadmap of clear and actionable tasks to achieve your goals.

  • Uncover the key drivers for growth in your business and operating market
  • Collate customer data, financials and feedback to define target groups
  • Identify the gaps in your current channels and communication plan and map out the work to be done
  • Build the right KPIs to drive ROI
  • Deliver clear actions to drive revenue now and into the future

Our Process:

Customerit Survey
  • The leadership team completes our 5 minute survey to benchmark your current growth plan and initiatives.
Half Day Discovery Session
  • A deep dive session with your leadership team to explore your operating market, customer understanding, business strategy, product offering, service model and current marketing


Growth Roadmap & Recommendations
  • Operating market research and review
  • Competitor analysis
  • Analysis of recent financial performance
  • Alignment of business strategy to growth goals
  • Review of current channels to market, lead volume and quality
  • Comprehensive customer analysis:
  • 5 customer interviews
  • Customer journey mapped
  • Customer data analysis to identify target segments 
  • Financial analysis to determine customer value
  • Product and service overview to explore revenue opportunities


‘We are now seeing enquiries come in from prospects our sales team has been chasing for the last two years, because we are finally engaging with them through the right channels and with the right message.’ – Sam Heath, Furtex