Strategic marketing delivers maximum brand awareness and scale across Australia and New Zealand

About the business

Our client is an emerging brand for first-time parents.  For generations this family brand has dedicated itself to designing beautiful products to fuel better sleep. The brand specialises in premium cot and bassinette mattresses and bedding – along with nursery furniture collections loved for their functional smarts and distinctively modern style that align to home decor.

The products are designed to last a lifetime, and are underpinned by an unwavering, proven and relentless commitment to safety and hygiene. They exceed all baseline industry standards, are tested with parents, and are on a persistent pursuit to deliver the very best in product design. Their mission is to help new parents feel empowered, reassured and excited to make confident choices.

The Challenge

The immediate mission was to drive significant brand awareness across Australia and New Zealand to scale the business to $20M annual revenue by 2030.

  • Their brand had sat in the shadow of their distribution business and was not being managed independently to build brand equity.
  • The business was reliant on its distribution business channels to secure new product listings.
  • Although the product was rated highly once purchased, it was viewed as a low-end brand by prospects.
  • The brand lacked meaning or connection in a highly emotional and considered purchase.
  • Retailer listings were inconsistently supporting the brand in their stores and online.
  • There was a significant lack of data analytics to amplify customer interactions .
  • There was no understanding of how and when customer’s buy in a highly predictable buyer’s journey that offered significant growth opportunities.
  • Marketing did not have its seat at the leadership table and was under-resourced.
  • Product development needed structure and process to deliver excellence when going to market with new products.
  • Marketing and Sales were not working together.  Marketing was executing tactically and not thinking strategically.

The Customerit solution

A detailed analysis of the business was undertaken to identify critical information to inform decision making, quick wins and strategic plays. 

  • Social listening was undertaken to inform key themes and quantification across the Australian market 
  • Qualitative research with retailers and customers to validate potential positioning territories 
  • Using internal and external insights for positioning development and embedding across the organisation for consistency at every level 
  • Buyer’s Journey development to inform communication needs, channel selection and experience delivery at every stage.  Better optimisation of the CRM was executed to support the buyer’s journey to enable tracking and measurement 
  • Category management and product development processes created to effectively create a balanced portfolio and manage go to market strategies for new product launches 
  • Built high performing marketing function, recruiting Marketing Manager and external agencies to support the brand awareness program. Ensuring time spent on the brand by the marketing resource was 80% versus its distribution business and previous operating model 
  • Working with creative brand agency and copywriters to evolve the brand and create impact in the market 
  • Set a critical launch deadline and platform to reposition the entire brand  
  • Multiple channels were launched simultaneously across Australia and New Zealand 
  • Built out the balanced scorecard to align the entire business on key lead indicators that are the levers for growth and success. 


The Outcome

Our client has experienced substantial and tangible growth as a result of engaging with the Customerit process and are on track to hit their revenue targets. 

Highlights include

  • Doubled revenue when launching the brand at a flagship event 
  • Increased product ranges in existing big box retailers on and offline 
  • Increased product ranges in independent retailers on and offline 
  • Increased data capture and the content of the data to enable effective and efficient targeting 
  • Developed fit-for-purpose marketing budget to support brand awareness objectives 

“The team at Customerit took hold of our challenges with ownership worked alongside our team and helped us to rebrand, creating a professional consumer brand. By setting up sprints and meetings with key stakeholders weekly we were able to accomplish a seemingly insurmountable project quickly. The work done is backed by methodology and we now have a platform to scale our brand significantly.”